Tuesday, April 30, 2013

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lori sewa MURAH
Posted by hinoking@rocketmail.com from Selangor

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Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=2891&iklantitle=lori+sewa+MURAH

Monday, April 29, 2013


Posted by jobsflare@yahoo.com from Selangor



Employer : Advertise job vacancies now, Easy & fast submission. Cheapest in the town. FREE advertisement.

Job Seeker : We bring you all type of jobs, no matter what of job type available legally. All is about to bring opportunities to everybody.
Immediate Requirement In Companies Apply For Your Dream Job Now!

JobsFlare.com is aiming to provide up to 1000 job opportunities in a week for various type of industries and experience levels starting in Malaysia and will gradually expand to other countries in South East Asia, Asia Pasific, Europe and USA.

We provide latest platform technology for easy and fast submission, FREE advertisement and offer the cheapest in town for highlighted Job Vacancy for employers. For job seekers, we bring all level of positions, experiences and industries.  In order to bring the opportunities to everyone, we provide the fastest job search engine that would easily help them to pair their talents with the most suitable job.

We believe that with our mission to provide more jobs opportunity at very low cost and effective time line, we believe that employers would be happy to partner with us and job seeker would be happy to use us as their trusted job bank platform and this would drive us to grow fast and offering more jobs vacancy to everyone all over the world.

Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=2887&iklantitle=ADVERTISE+JOB+VACANCY

Minyak Angin AromaTerapi AromAura yang SPECIAL

Minyak Angin AromaTerapi AromAura yang SPECIAL
Posted by aromauramarketing@gmail.com from Selangor




Minyak Angin memang satu keperluan yang tidak dapat dinafikan oleh setiap orang apatah lagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah-masalah pening, migrain, mual, sakit urat, sakit perut dan macam-macam lagi.

Secara ringkasnya minyak angin banyak membantu melegakan kesakitan yang dialami apatah lagi kalau minyak angin tersebut mengandungi aromaterapi kerana aromaterapi memang sudah terbukti membantu menyembuhkan penyakit, meningkatkan daya tahan (immune) badan, mengurangkan stress, menenangkan fikiran, membangkitkan ghairah/semangat, bahkan juga sebagai antioksidan sejak zaman berzaman.

Minyak angin ini juga disertakan dengan bacaan ayat-ayat  suci al-Quran.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari bunga Rose ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Wangian bunga mawar dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi minda, serta memberi keseimbangan tubuh. Aroma ini juga dapat meredakan serangan asma.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari Teh hijau ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Teh hijau wangi yang satu ini dapat membantu menyeimbangkan fungsi sel tubuh, membantu mencegah kanser, memperbaiki sistem peredaran darah, membantu menguraikan asid lemak, menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah, membantu mengeluarkan kahak dan membersihkan paru2, melambatkan proses penuaan. Juga berguna membangkitkan semangat, melancarkan sistem pencernaan , menurunkan tahap kolestrol, membantu mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi dan mengurangkan risiko terkena kanser.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari bahagian kayu Cendana ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Minyak cendana dengan aromanya yang khas dan sari minyaknya diambil dari bahagian kayu cendana.Aromanya memiliki kesan meningkatkan kestabilan emosi, kehangatan, rasa percaya diri, kejujuran, ketenangan jiwa, perasaan cinta, sensualiti, rasa nyaman, harapan, kepercayaan, kebijaksanaan, pengertian, kestabilan, keberanian serta daya tahan. Juga mengurangkan stress ketika haid.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari Lemon ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Lemon aromanya dapat menyegarkan badan, bersih dan bersemangat. Sari minyaknya diambil dari bahagian buah yang berasal dari Sisilia. Mempunyai kesan menjernihkan dan stimulasi juga baik untuk gigitan serangga. Selain itu memberi kesan meningkatkan tenaga, kewaspadaan, perasaan bahagia, pandangan positif, motivasi, keyakinan dalam mengambil keputusan dan kestabilan juga mengurangi masaalah gangguan pernafasan, tekanan darah tinggi, pelupa, stress, fikiran negatif dan rasa takut.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari bunga lavender ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Kandungan zat aktif lavender berguna sebagai antiseptik, penghilang rasa sakit, merangsang pertumbuhan sel kulit dan melegakan sendi dan saraf yang tegang. Dapat membantu meredakan gangguan pencernaan, sakit kepala dan masalah insomnia. Ianya juga membantu menenangkan fikiran dan melegakan tekanan.

Minyak angin aromaterapi lavender ini boleh digunakan sebagai campuran minyak urut, dititiskan pada air mandian untuk berendam, pengewapan dengan air panas atau untuk mewangikan ruangan rumah untuk membersihkan udara dan memberi efek relaksasi.

Untuk maklumat lanjut https://www.facebook.com/groups/aromauramarketing/ atau hubungi 0132540003. htttp://www.aromauramarketing.com

Hanya RM20/botol.

Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=2883&iklantitle=Minyak+Angin+AromaTerapi+AromAura+yang+SPECIAL

Web Database Development, MLM Software System Development, Affiliate Web System Development, AutoDownline System Development, Web CMS Portal System, System Integration, Production & Resource Management, Loyalty & Me

Web Database Development, MLM Software System Development, Affiliate Web System Development, AutoDownline System Development, Web CMS Portal System, System Integration, Production & Resource Management, Loyalty & Me
Posted by getdoitnow.com@gmail.com from Selangor


Our Services

Global Expert Technology (GET) is a leading web and system developer based in Malaysia. We provide the best and complete online solutions under one roof to any individual, Small and Medium Enterprise, private institution or organization and government bodies. With our extensive experience as solution provider and complete system library, we have the ability to offer flexibility and scalability of system based on clients\' business requirement and budget. The solutions offered are the most needed and implemented by any business for start-up, branding and expanding via online.


Web Database Development

In today fast-paced business world, empower your business with recruitment and prospecting activities, manage and maintain your client database securely and have the worldwide accessibility by you and clients.

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Web CMS System

Get your business online very fast with ready to publish Web CMS System. Anybody can manage their business website without having an extensive knowledge in web design and web development. It is easier and cost savvy for new and small businesses to make their business presence and reached via online.

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AutoDownline System

Get your business online very fast with ready to publish Web CMS System. Anybody can manage their business website without having an extensive knowledge in web design and web development. It is easier and cost savvy for new and small businesses to make their business presence and reached via online.

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Affiliate System

Get your business online very fast with ready to publish Web CMS System. Anybody can manage their business website without having an extensive knowledge in web design and web development. It is easier and cost savvy for new and small businesses to make their business presence and reached via online.

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MLM System Development

A well-balanced product and marketing plan is important, be aware of the different variations of your marketing plan. When designing your Compensation Plan, you must...

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System Integration

In this age of sophisticated technology, every business that uses technology system or web based system have a rich and diverse choice of software selection in the market. In order to meet the challenges of today\'s competitive atmosphere, organizations will required to develop or upgrade their system to a large scale, complex and integrated system according to business environment demand and clients\' need in order to be up-to-date.

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Production & Resource Management Solution

Getdoitnow provides Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) specially designed for manufacturers and Resource Information System (RIS) for other industries. Both ERP and RIS are online based business software solutions that integrates the internal and external management of entire organization embracing Product Management, Financial Management, Sales and Service, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, etc.;

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Loyalty or Membership Card System

Now, you can differentiate your service from your competitors. Rewards your loyal customers, make them feel appreciated, happy to shop with you and spend more in every visit. With only a step forward from normal business activity, you can attract new customers and thus, increase your turnover.

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e-Commerce Payment Gateway

Selling online is the easiest way to get access to global customers. Therefore, you will need a complete solution to receive payment from customers around the world. There are many online payment acceptance services provided by payment gateway provider, but you should be choosing a provider that is easy for you to deal and get money payment customers.

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SMS System

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for \'lorem ipsum\' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes.

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SEO Service

Spending for developing and designing a website is just a beginning for your online marketing objective, but having a website without exposure or visibility to the world is like a \'ghost\' site that no one ever know and visit your website. To reap the benefits in the online global markets, your website must be visible to the world.

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Technical Support

Implementing and managing an IT Department is very challenging, time-consuming and expensive especially for SME and SMI or new business. Aware of this, many Non-IT businesses that need IT related services have outsourced the IT management function to IT Consultant Experts. The core business and marketing activities can be focused while the IT experts are managing their IT systems.

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Financial Management System & Tools

Getdoitnow.com teams are also actively develop Financial Management tools for international financial institutions such as brokerage firm and investment banks. Besides, we also develop market analysis tools & system and automated trading system (Expert Advisor - EA) for individual traders and investment/fund managers.

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As an IT systems developer, training is one of the important parts in our business flow. Every system developed for any individual or organizations are packaged with system usage and administration training.

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Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=2881&iklantitle=Web+Database+Development%2C+MLM+Software+System+Development%2C+Affiliate+Web+System+Development%2C+AutoDownline+System+Development%2C+Web+CMS+Portal+System%2C+System+Integration%2C+Production+%26+Resource+Management%2C+Loyalty+%26+Me

Free Blog , Get Blog , Malaysia Blog , SEO Blog , Free Malaysia , Blogger , Blog Hosting , Blogging .

Free Blog , Get Blog , Malaysia Blog , SEO Blog , Free Malaysia , Blogger , Blog Hosting , Blogging .
Posted by 1blog.my@gmail.com from Selangor


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DO YOU HAVE A BUSINESS? NO AWARENESS ON YOUR BRAND? Change your marketing strategy. With us, you can create your own blog FREE OF CHARGE.
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Posted by jobsflare@yahoo.com from Selangor



Employer : Advertise job vacancies now, Easy & fast submission. Cheapest in the town. FREE advertisement.

Job Seeker : We bring you all type of jobs, no matter what of job type available legally. All is about to bring opportunities to everybody.
Immediate Requirement In Companies Apply For Your Dream Job Now!

JobsFlare.com is aiming to provide up to 1000 job opportunities in a week for various type of industries and experience levels starting in Malaysia and will gradually expand to other countries in South East Asia, Asia Pasific, Europe and USA.

We provide latest platform technology for easy and fast submission, FREE advertisement and offer the cheapest in town for highlighted Job Vacancy for employers. For job seekers, we bring all level of positions, experiences and industries.  In order to bring the opportunities to everyone, we provide the fastest job search engine that would easily help them to pair their talents with the most suitable job.

We believe that with our mission to provide more jobs opportunity at very low cost and effective time line, we believe that employers would be happy to partner with us and job seeker would be happy to use us as their trusted job bank platform and this would drive us to grow fast and offering more jobs vacancy to everyone all over the world.

Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=2877&iklantitle=ADVERTISE+JOB+VACANCY

Minyak Angin AromaTerapi AromAura yang Special

Minyak Angin AromaTerapi AromAura yang Special
Posted by aromauramarketing@gmail.com from Selangor




Minyak Angin memang satu keperluan yang tidak dapat dinafikan oleh setiap orang apatah lagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah-masalah pening, migrain, mual, sakit urat, sakit perut dan macam-macam lagi.

Secara ringkasnya minyak angin banyak membantu melegakan kesakitan yang dialami apatah lagi kalau minyak angin tersebut mengandungi aromaterapi kerana aromaterapi memang sudah terbukti membantu menyembuhkan penyakit, meningkatkan daya tahan (immune) badan, mengurangkan stress, menenangkan fikiran, membangkitkan ghairah/semangat, bahkan juga sebagai antioksidan sejak zaman berzaman.

Minyak angin ini juga disertakan dengan bacaan ayat-ayat  suci al-Quran.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari bunga Rose ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Wangian bunga mawar dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi minda, serta memberi keseimbangan tubuh. Aroma ini juga dapat meredakan serangan asma.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari Teh hijau ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Teh hijau wangi yang satu ini dapat membantu menyeimbangkan fungsi sel tubuh, membantu mencegah kanser, memperbaiki sistem peredaran darah, membantu menguraikan asid lemak, menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah, membantu mengeluarkan kahak dan membersihkan paru2, melambatkan proses penuaan. Juga berguna membangkitkan semangat, melancarkan sistem pencernaan , menurunkan tahap kolestrol, membantu mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi dan mengurangkan risiko terkena kanser.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari bahagian kayu Cendana ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Minyak cendana dengan aromanya yang khas dan sari minyaknya diambil dari bahagian kayu cendana.Aromanya memiliki kesan meningkatkan kestabilan emosi, kehangatan, rasa percaya diri, kejujuran, ketenangan jiwa, perasaan cinta, sensualiti, rasa nyaman, harapan, kepercayaan, kebijaksanaan, pengertian, kestabilan, keberanian serta daya tahan. Juga mengurangkan stress ketika haid.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari Lemon ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Lemon aromanya dapat menyegarkan badan, bersih dan bersemangat. Sari minyaknya diambil dari bahagian buah yang berasal dari Sisilia. Mempunyai kesan menjernihkan dan stimulasi juga baik untuk gigitan serangga. Selain itu memberi kesan meningkatkan tenaga, kewaspadaan, perasaan bahagia, pandangan positif, motivasi, keyakinan dalam mengambil keputusan dan kestabilan juga mengurangi masaalah gangguan pernafasan, tekanan darah tinggi, pelupa, stress, fikiran negatif dan rasa takut.


Minyak angin aromaura dibuat daripada bahan-bahan semulajadi dan berkualiti: Virgin Olive Oil, Mentha Arvensis, Camphor dan essential oil. Dikilangkan tanpa bahan-bahan kimia serta 100% TANPA ALKOHOL.

Minyak pati yang diperolehi dari bunga lavender ini menghasilkan wangian yang harum, segar dan menenangkan. Ianya selamat digunakan walaupun di sapu terus pada kulit untuk mengubati luka.

Kandungan zat aktif lavender berguna sebagai antiseptik, penghilang rasa sakit, merangsang pertumbuhan sel kulit dan melegakan sendi dan saraf yang tegang. Dapat membantu meredakan gangguan pencernaan, sakit kepala dan masalah insomnia. Ianya juga membantu menenangkan fikiran dan melegakan tekanan.

Minyak angin aromaterapi lavender ini boleh digunakan sebagai campuran minyak urut, dititiskan pada air mandian untuk berendam, pengewapan dengan air panas atau untuk mewangikan ruangan rumah untuk membersihkan udara dan memberi efek relaksasi.

Untuk maklumat lanjut https://www.facebook.com/groups/aromauramarketing/ atau hubungi 0132540003. htttp://www.aromauramarketing.com

Hanya RM20/botol.

Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=2876&iklantitle=Minyak+Angin+AromaTerapi+AromAura+yang+Special

Web Database Development, MLM Software System Development, Affiliate Web System Development, AutoDownline System Development, Web CMS Portal System, System Integration, Production & Resource Management, Loyalty & Me

Web Database Development, MLM Software System Development, Affiliate Web System Development, AutoDownline System Development, Web CMS Portal System, System Integration, Production & Resource Management, Loyalty & Me
Posted by getdoitnow.com@gmail.com from Selangor

Our Services

Global Expert Technology (GET) is a leading web and system developer based in Malaysia. We provide the best and complete online solutions under one roof to any individual, Small and Medium Enterprise, private institution or organization and government bodies. With our extensive experience as solution provider and complete system library, we have the ability to offer flexibility and scalability of system based on clients\' business requirement and budget. The solutions offered are the most needed and implemented by any business for start-up, branding and expanding via online.


Web Database Development

In today fast-paced business world, empower your business with recruitment and prospecting activities, manage and maintain your client database securely and have the worldwide accessibility by you and clients.

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Web CMS System

Get your business online very fast with ready to publish Web CMS System. Anybody can manage their business website without having an extensive knowledge in web design and web development. It is easier and cost savvy for new and small businesses to make their business presence and reached via online.

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AutoDownline System

Get your business online very fast with ready to publish Web CMS System. Anybody can manage their business website without having an extensive knowledge in web design and web development. It is easier and cost savvy for new and small businesses to make their business presence and reached via online.

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Affiliate System

Get your business online very fast with ready to publish Web CMS System. Anybody can manage their business website without having an extensive knowledge in web design and web development. It is easier and cost savvy for new and small businesses to make their business presence and reached via online.

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MLM System Development

A well-balanced product and marketing plan is important, be aware of the different variations of your marketing plan. When designing your Compensation Plan, you must...

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System Integration

In this age of sophisticated technology, every business that uses technology system or web based system have a rich and diverse choice of software selection in the market. In order to meet the challenges of today\'s competitive atmosphere, organizations will required to develop or upgrade their system to a large scale, complex and integrated system according to business environment demand and clients\' need in order to be up-to-date.

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Production & Resource Management Solution

Getdoitnow provides Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) specially designed for manufacturers and Resource Information System (RIS) for other industries. Both ERP and RIS are online based business software solutions that integrates the internal and external management of entire organization embracing Product Management, Financial Management, Sales and Service, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management, etc.;

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Loyalty or Membership Card System

Now, you can differentiate your service from your competitors. Rewards your loyal customers, make them feel appreciated, happy to shop with you and spend more in every visit. With only a step forward from normal business activity, you can attract new customers and thus, increase your turnover.

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e-Commerce Payment Gateway

Selling online is the easiest way to get access to global customers. Therefore, you will need a complete solution to receive payment from customers around the world. There are many online payment acceptance services provided by payment gateway provider, but you should be choosing a provider that is easy for you to deal and get money payment customers.

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SMS System

Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for \'lorem ipsum\' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes.

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SEO Service

Spending for developing and designing a website is just a beginning for your online marketing objective, but having a website without exposure or visibility to the world is like a \'ghost\' site that no one ever know and visit your website. To reap the benefits in the online global markets, your website must be visible to the world.

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Technical Support

Implementing and managing an IT Department is very challenging, time-consuming and expensive especially for SME and SMI or new business. Aware of this, many Non-IT businesses that need IT related services have outsourced the IT management function to IT Consultant Experts. The core business and marketing activities can be focused while the IT experts are managing their IT systems.

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Financial Management System & Tools

Getdoitnow.com teams are also actively develop Financial Management tools for international financial institutions such as brokerage firm and investment banks. Besides, we also develop market analysis tools & system and automated trading system (Expert Advisor - EA) for individual traders and investment/fund managers.

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As an IT systems developer, training is one of the important parts in our business flow. Every system developed for any individual or organizations are packaged with system usage and administration training.

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MLM Software, MLM System, Affiliate, Reseller System, Autodownline System & E-Commerce No. 1 in Malaysia by mlmsoftwaresystem

MLM Software, MLM System, Affiliate, Reseller System, Autodownline System & E-Commerce No. 1 in Malaysia by mlmsoftwaresystem
Posted by mlmsoftwaresystem@gmail.com from Selangor


\'MLM Software, MLM System, Affiliate, Reseller Syst\' or \'MLM Software, MLM System, Affiliate, Reseller Syst Malaysia\'

Welcome to MLM Software, Affiliate System, AutoDownline System, SMS Development House

Ever had business idea? Could it success? Do you need advice?

You are looking for Online Sofisticated MLM Software, Affiliate System, AutoDownline System, SMS Development House and Integrated System TO REALIZE IT?.

You have come to the right place! Budget oriented! Great Solution! More than 12 years of experience and thousands of satisfied clients

LATEST TECHNOLOGY BUILT INWin to your distributor! Win to your members! Win to your downliners! Win to you! Win to the company!

Great reporting system, customize plan & report available!  Latest in trend marketing plan compatible! Great Control Panel!

Available Marketing Plan

Introducer Bonus, Lot Binary Bonus, Volume PV To Lot Binary, Lot Volume Pair Bonus (Group Matching Bonus) , PV Volume Pair Bonus , Leadership Bonus , Performance Bonus, Unilevel X Bonus, Matrix AutoPlacement X Bonus, Matrix Select Placement X Bonus, Multiple Matrix AutoPlacement X Bonus, Star Bonus (Group Lot/Star), Bonus (CTO), WorldPool Matrix Bonus, WorldPool profit Sharing Bonus, Affiliate Bonus, Randomizer, Car Fund, House Fund, Volume Profit Sharing Bonus, Year End Bonus, Travel Fund, Campaign Program, Matrix-Binary2 Bonus, Single Matrix 3/4/5, Unilevel Pairing Bonus, Virtual Share, ROI Bonus Point Share, Loyalty Program Binary Points, Matrix Point, Unilevel Point, 3 levels stockist system, Leadership sale monthly or any customize plan and many more...

Autodownline Advance 
RM 1500

Suit for beginner networkers. A must use tool for leader to develop downliners. EMPOWER YOUR DOWNLINE RECRUITMENT!. Single replication sale letter.

Autodownline Ultimate 
RM 2500

Suit for professional networkers. A must use tool for leader to develop downliners. EMPOWER YOUR DOWNLINE RECRUITMENT!. A complete duplication website.

Affiliate Advance 
RM 3000

EMPOWER YOUR SALE AND DISTRIBUTOR RECRUITMENT. Great Plan 4 new boss! Millionaire in making tool!. Selling and payout through networking and autodownline system. 1 ready made marketing plan (intro, unilevel or matrix) marketing plans.

Affiliate Ultimate 
RM 5000

EMPOWER YOUR SALE AND DISTRIBUTOR RECRUITMENT. Great Plan 4 new boss and dedicated leader! Millionaire in making tool!. Selling and payout through networking and autodownline system. 2 ready made (intro, unilevel or matrix) marketing plans.

MLM Basic 
RM 7,500

EMPOWER YOUR SALE, MANAGEMENT, SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTOR RECRUITMENT! Great Plan 4 experienced boss and great management team! Billionaire in making tool!. Autodownline & Affiliate packaged included and well customized. Ready & custom payout plan is available for basic package (up to 3 marketing plans). Selling and payout through networking and autodownline system.

MLM Extra 
RM 9,999

EMPOWER YOUR SALE, MANAGEMENT, SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTOR RECRUITMENT! Great Plan 4 experienced boss and great management team! Billionaire in making tool!. Autodownline & Affiliate packaged included and well customized. Ready & custom payout plan is available for extra package (up to 4 marketing plans). Selling and payout through networking and autodownline system. Standard product sale, payout, monthly & yearly sale report.

MLM Advance 
RM 15,999

EMPOWER YOUR SALE, MANAGEMENT, SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTOR RECRUITMENT! Great Plan 4 experienced boss and great management team!. Billionaire in making tool!. Autodownline & Affiliate packaged included and well customized. Ready & custom payout plan is available for advance package (up to 5 marketing plans). Selling and payout through networking and autodownline system. SMS system integration (IOD/Bulk). Standard & customize product sale, payout, monthly & yearly sale report.

MLM Ultimate 
RM 29,999

EMPOWER YOUR SALE, MANAGEMENT, SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTOR RECRUITMENT! Great Plan 4 experienced boss and great management team!. Billionaire in making tool!. Autodownline & Affiliate packaged included and well customized. Ready and custom payout plan is available for ultimate package (up to 8 marketing plans). Selling and payout through networking and autodownline system. SMS system integration (IOD/Bulk). Standard & customize product sale, payout, monthly & yearly sale report.


Looking for more information?

Contact Us

Hotline :

6013 2540004


Autodownline Advance 
*Promo Price RM 1050 

Normal Price RM 1500

Autodownline Ultimate 
*Promo Price RM 1750

Normal Price RM 2500

Affiliate Advance 
*Promo Price RM 2100

Normal Price RM 3000

Affiliate Ultimate 
*Promo Price RM 3500

Normal Price RM 5000

MLM Basic 
*Promo Price RM 5250

Normal Price RM 7500

MLM Extra 
*Promo Price RM 6999

Normal Price RM 9999

MLM Advance 
*Promo Price RM 10500

Normal Price RM 15999

MLM Ultimate 
*Promo Price RM 20999

Normal Price RM 29999

Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=2874&iklantitle=MLM+Software%2C+MLM+System%2C+Affiliate%2C+Reseller+System%2C+Autodownline+System+%26+E-Commerce+No.+1+in+Malaysia+by+mlmsoftwaresystem