Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Recruiters & Jobseekers Services

Recruiters & Jobseekers Services
Posted by kbung28@gmail.com from Selangor

Dear Jobseekers, if you’re looking for a job or recruiters if you’re hiring; you can register yourselves using this url http://ung168.adpost.com/my/employment/ .There’re 2 types of service, that’s paid & free. The free posting is 30 days & the 2 subsequent (renew) postings is also 30 days each.The paid package : You pay only US$ 9.99 for each of the 4 types of priority ranking that last 180 days.Secured online payment.I do not operate an employment agency.

Detail :http://www.1ads.my?action=ClassifiedDetail&id=3353&iklantitle=Recruiters+%26+Jobseekers+Services

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