Thursday, March 12, 2015

Drupal Online Training in Malaysia

Drupal Online Training in Malaysia
Posted by from Kuala-Lumpur


I am Ranjan Raja master degree with computer science from Utah State University, USA. I work for Ruchiwebsolutions in Hyderabad, India with 10 years of experience in Drupal CMS development using Php/MySql. Till now, I have build 250 dynamic website on Drupal CMS development with Php/MySql. I have 7 years of experience in class room and Online training for this course.

Here, We are providing advance Drupal CMS development with Php/MySql training with Live Project. We are giving  TWO projects with this course for my students , one is Mini project and another is LIVE Project Drupal CMS development with Php/MySql. I will focus more on programming side. Our main motto is that you can develop the website by end of course completion.

Ruchiwebsolutions Pvt. Ltd. are offering professional  Drupal CMS development with Php/MySql training in Hyderabad with live project. Our training program is the high level training program offered as corporate training to the software development organizations.

Please send me your requirements to my email so that I will reply to you with course content and fees detail. You can attend free demo session as per your convenient time. Why do not you call me at my mobile at 09347045052 or 09032803895 for more details?

CALL ME AT 09347045052 / 09032803895 for any query or question.

Skype : purnendu_ranjan    gmail:

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